Well, if you don’t know this already, my little girl likes owls! A LOT!! So when Pottery Barn Kids came out with owl bedding right around her first birthday (when the owl obsession began) I wanted to get it for her so badly!! But she was only one and would not be moving into a big girl bed anytime soon, so I decided I would wait (which is very amazing if you know how I am when I find something I really like that might not be available at a later date!) and see if overtime there was anything I liked better or if she outgrew the owl phase! I pretty much left it to fate and decided if it was there when the time came then it was meant to be and if it wasn’t then, well…it just wasn’t meant to be (no matter how much I really wanted it!) Along the way I have received their catalogues or gone into the store and have come across the cute little plush owl pillows that go with the bedding set. These are really the pièce de résistance, the crowning jewel of the set…to me they make the whole bedroom complete and it doesn’t hurt that every time Seville sees them she smiles real big and says “hoo, hoo!!” I had mentioned to Scott (and I think my Mom) several times that I should buy the stinkin owl pillows because I would be so upset if they were gone, and that I could just risk ordering the rest (sheets, quilt, etc.) later when the time came or when it went on sale! Well, this past weekend we were at Scott’s family reunion and Seville slept in a big girl bed. Not on purpose (we brought the pack-n-play) but because she demanded it!! She did great! I decided that I better get prepared for taking the next step sometime later this year and decided I should finally bite the bullet and buy that owl bedding that I have been longing for (even though it still isn’t on sale after over a year!) So last night Scott was traveling and I had both girls, but I popped online just briefly to check and see if all the items were still in stock before I got too excited, especially the owl pillows!! Sure enough, they were all there, owl pillows and all, so I went ahead and put it on my list of things to do today when I didn’t have the two girls requiring my full attention! So would you believe that when I got online today to put everything in my cart the owl pillows were gone. I couldn’t find them anywhere!!! I called the 1.800 number and they were all out too! I called the stores, I called the outlets, GONE!!! What the heck happened! So I did what any owl hunting mom would do and jumped on ebay just in time to find the two little owls sold as a pair…albeit at a price increase, but not too bad considering these puppies (I mean owls) are sold out everywhere and in high demand (as I quickly gathered from calling the stores!!!) So that is the story of my two little owls…Joy and Penny are their names (according to PBK!) They are mine now and I should be getting them sometime the second week in June! I can’t wait to see Seville when we open the box! I know it will be worth every penny (maybe that is why she is named Penny!!) Seville was so excited when she saw the picture online last night. She even told me that one was a “sissy hoo” and one was a “me hoo”…as in one owl for her and one for Hadley! I thought that was pretty cute that she took the picture as one for each of them! Knowing my luck all of the bedding will go on sale next week...GRRR!! Owell!
BTW…it has been crazy busy and I have had no time for pictures or posts or anything, but don’t give up on me quite yet! I really do hope to get back on track sometime!
Have a great weekend everyone!!