The last weekend in May the whole Skinner family finally made it down to the lake! It had been FOREVER since Uncle Craig and Shawn had made it down...several years in fact!! It was soooo fun to all be down at the same time!! The girls just love their Uncle Craig and Shawn!!!
First thing Saturday morning the girls found a turtle. Hadley named him "Hide and Go Seek-E" because he was so good at playing hide and seek. Shawn thought "Heidi" might be a good nickname, so we started using that instead. Much shorter and easier to say!!

Leaving "Heidi" on Sunday ended up being the source of a huge meltdown for Hadley, but we knew she was just tired and worried about not seeing her again! She loved checking on her all weekend while she was living in her temporary home (a BOX!)

Grandma Sue Sue and Seville headed down to the dock early Saturday morning!

Uncle Craig and Seville!

Hadley ready to go with her swimsuit and lake hair!

Hadley on the tube with Uncle Craig!

Grandma Sue Sue couldn't resist joining them!

Seville and Daddy relaxing on the dock!

Having a snack...her eyes really are open, but it was just bright!

Shawn and Leeroy! Leeroy is Craig and Shawn's dog!

Sydney (trying to be) ever so stylish in Shawn's hat!

Sydney and Seville on the boat! Sydney and Leeroy both love riding on the boat!

Daddy and his girls on the tube ready for the first ride of the season!

And their off...WHEEEE!!!!

Two thumbs up, Mom!

Love the piggy tails!

Uncle Craig and Leeroy!

What a pretty (I mean handsome) dog!

The boys!

Bocce ball is being split part-time this year with ladder golf. Notice that all good lake games only require ONE hand!!

Nice throw, Craig!

Seville and Hadley couldn't wait to ask Patty and Mike (the next door neighbors) to get out their slip-n-slide! Seville kept trying this new move...I am not real sure what she was doing, but it was funny!

I have never seen a two-year-old love slip-n-sliding as much as Seville!

She is getting quite good at throwing her self down the slippery slope!

Hadley cannot get enough of the slip-n-slide either and was so excited to get her own a week later for her birthday!

Tidal wave!

Pretty girl!

A good start is very important!! :)

WHEEE!!! Great form! ;)

She loved that Spider Man was doing the "I love you" sign!

Our good friends Jen and Dan were spending the weekend at the lake as well to celebrate Jen's birthday, so they stopped by on Saturday to soak up some sun and enjoy some lake fun with us! We really loved having them over! Hadley had to be like Jen and "layout" for a bit!

Our bathing beauty!

Jen informed us that she had not been on a slip-n-slide before, so we weren't about to let her leave without trying it out, and she was happy to oblige!! After an initial attempt on her bottom (ouch) she got the form down no problem! Sorry, Jen, I know this probably isn't your favorite picture, but we are so proud of you for giving it a whirl and had to remember the moment!!

Hadley playing chalk with the boys!

Seville being...well...Seville!

Such a monkey!

We love her to pieces!

Just the night before Jen and Dan tried bocce ball for the first time and LOVED it!! They had no idea it is one of our all time favorites to play at the lake! Great form, Dan! You would never know he is a rookie!

Seville loved swinging back and forth on the boat door!

Jen and Dan on the Sea Doo!

Seville learning the ropes!

"I do, Daddy...I do!!!" She must do everything herself right now!

Hadley crashed on our afternoon boat ride! Seems like a pretty good place to take a lake nap to me!

Still in charge of the wheel!

Seville loved jumping off the dock onto the tube...last year she was a bit little for the jumping part, so she is glad she can keep up with sissy this year!

Susie and Jim got the girls matching fishing poles, and they had a lot of fun "fishing" off the dock.

This is seconds before Scott, Seville and the fishing pole went in the lake! Seville needing to "do it herself" ended up dropping the pole in the lake and when Scott dove in to save it (they sink quick...we learned last year) he took Seville right with him! She was very surprised to end up in the water!