Hadley was beyond excited to go to her friend Corrie's 6th birthday party yesterday at a kids spa. It was definitely the perfect party for 5-6 year old girls!! Hadley talked about it all week and couldn't wait to get there and be reunited with all of her best buddies from preschool! I don't know how I took almost 100 pictures in an hour and half, but as usual, I am not very good about narrowing them down!
It had been about a month since Hadley had seen Alyson. They have been friends since Hadley was 12 weeks old, and being apart from Alyson has not been easy on Hadley! This picture says it all! "Best friends reunited!" I knew it would be a good reunion, so I just had to get my camera out to capture the moment FOREVER! Every time I look at it it just brings tears to my eyes that they love each other so much and that they don't get to see each other as often as they use to.

Hadley and Alyson were also excited to be reunited with Corrie, Kayla and Addison! They couldn't wait to get inside! Corrie, Kayla and Hadley have been apart since they started kindergarten a few weeks ago!

Corrie...the birthday girl...looking ever so cute!

The tough decision over picking mani and pedi colors starts at a young age!

The girls getting started at the mani, pedi and make-up stations!

Corrie getting her nails done!

Hadley looking at the make-up choices!

The spa was so cute!

Hadley getting her eyes done!

I love how Alyson and Addison are watching on!

This is one of my favorites...could Addison be any cuter looking in the mirror at her completed eye make-up!!

This is how they gave the girls mani and pedis at the same time! Pretty smart, huh! The toes can dry while the fingers are being painted and vice versa!

Sweet Aly girl!

Addison getting her fingers painted...I think she had the best idea of the bunch with alternating pink and purple nails!

A split second before this picture Alyson was telling Hadley a secret in her ear...so cute!

Alyson's turn!

Corrie showing off her beautiful eyes!

Addison "drying!"

Close-up of her alternating nails!

Hadley's turn!

Our sweet Hadley girl!

Alyson getting her eyes done!

Corrie watching the Hannah Montana movie that was projected on the wall...you can see the other girls behind her watching intently as well. Before they played the movie they had Hannah Montana music playing through the speakers. I told Scott I felt right at home there!

Alyson in the princess chair admiring her new nails!

Alsyon, Addison and Corrie!

Pink toes for Hadley to match her pink shirt!

Watching the movie and getting pampered...what more could a girl want!

All done!

Hadley and Kayla "drying!"

The gang...Kayla, Addison, Alyson, Corrie and Hadley!

The birthday girl dancing, or shall I say twirling, on the stage!

Group shot #2...I still have no idea how they lined themselves up in height order!

More dancing on the stage...I told you this was the perfect party place for girls this age!

Corrie getting ready for cake time!


Corrie with her mom, Heather! She made her dad stay at home since it was a "girls day!"

Licking the icing off the spa accessories on her cake!

Alyson enjoying her cake!

Kayla being super cute!

Hadley with the birthday girl!

Scott and I think we have a pretty good idea of what Hadley might be asking for for her next birthday party! :)