Well, now Francesca is 19 and the tables are turned! Now I have a little girl who adores her “Aunt” Francesca (she is really a cousin, but I think of her as an Aunt to my girls!) and Thursday Hadley and her best buddy Alyson got to reap the rewards of having a wonderful older Aunt!
Around 10:00 a.m. Francesca picked-up the girls at their preschool and took them out for a day they will never forget and haven’t stopped talking about since! First they went to Wonderscope (a children’s museum), then to Rainforest CafĂ© where they got to sit by the big elephant for lunch, then they went to Build-A-Bear where they made adorable stuffed bears dressed in Hannah Montana outfits, and finally they got a cookie (and I think even rode the carousel) before returning to school. According to Francesca the girls kept telling her that they were the “luckiest girls” and Kristi and I totally agree! In fact, we think they were spoiled rotten and cannot thank Francesca enough for treating them to such a wonderful day!!
Hadley named her bear “Miley Cyrus” and Miley has been an integral part of our life ever since she came home. She gets dressed in the mornings, wears jammies at night, sits in a car seat in the car, gets her hair done in the morning, goes to school, etc. It is so cute!
Oh yeah…one last thing…the girls got their picture taken in a photo booth! I haven’t done that since I was a freshman in high school! I don’t have a scanner at home, but I took a picture of it so that everyone can see! I think it is really cute and such a neat memory of the day!
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