We've had a great weekend so far filled with lots of fun activities for the kiddos! We started off on Friday night by going to the Johnson County Old Settlers Carnival. Hadley had been looking forward to it all week, and it ended up being a beautiful cool evening! As many of you know, I don't really have a lot of family so we sometimes call some of our close family friends "family" and this weekend we had some "family" in town! Their name's are John, Jennifer, Kalia and Kaleo. I won't bother you with the long explanation of how they are "family" because it goes way far back, but Kalia is my mom's God Daughter. Anyway, we thought it would be fun if they went with us to Old Settlers, and we all had a blast! I apologize in advance for any blurry pictures, but hey it was a carnival at night! Hopefully it will just put you in the middle of the action!Kalia and Hadley picked the big slide as their first ride. Here is Hadley with what John called her "big dirty sack!"
The daddies took the girls first! Up they went...Kalia in the lead!
Then the mommies went...Hadley and Kenna with a slight lead!
Oh now...I think we are falling behind!
Hummm...too close to call...what do you think?
Hadley in her matching fish on the kiddie octopus ride!
Kalia in her matching fish! It just happened...they didn't do it on purpose!
Looking pretty serious!
I think she is still having fun...just kidding...she really was!
Instant best friends!
Hang on tight for the alligator coaster!
Here come some real blurry shots!

Check out Kalia's face!
Poor Seville...she just wants to be big, but I am not even sure if she will be big enough next year. We just got back from her 18 month appointment last week and she is only at the 20th percentile! She weighs less than Hadley did at her one year appointment!
The gang...Kaleo, Kalia, Hadley and Seville!
Right before the girls rode their last ride we ran into Becki, Brett and Averi (our old neighbors and good friends!) Their older daughter Sierra was at a high school football game! Here is Averi and Hadley!
I couldn't decide which picture was cuter!
Averi and Seville go to daycare together at Gail's...needless to say Seville was way happy to see her!
The girls on their last ride for the night! We did the ferris wheel too, but my mom has those pics on her camera! Seville even got to go on the ferris wheel!
They let the brave one drive...up and down, up and down!
On Saturday morning Scott and I took the girls to Panera at the mall and then we went shopping for a bit. We looked at some Halloween costumes and Hadley has decided that she wants to be Tinker Bell...this is better than the spider she originally wanted to be which I couldn't find in any stores or catalogues (not in her size at least!) Hadley also went to Build-A-Bear and got Miley Bear some new jammies and a matching Halloween costume. She still loves that bear to death and takes her everywhere we go!
Last night Scott had his KU Architecture School Reunion. He went to that in Lawrence, and I went to the Legends with my Mom, Jon, Jenny, John, Kalia, Kaleo and my girls! We ate at Yard House, shopped, went to T-Rex, had ice cream and played games at Dave and Busters...all in the rain!
This morning we took the girls to my company picnic. They had a bouncy house, face painter, playground, etc. It was a good Sunday morning outing!
Now Seville is down for a nap and then we are off to my mom's for one last get together before Jenny, John and the kids leave town! Its been a great weekend! Still need to post pics from last weekend at the lake but that will have to come another time! Have a great week everyone!
can't believe we didn't see you there
Sounds like you had a VERY VERY BUSY weekend! Cute pics....I especially like the one of Seville hugging Averi...too cute!
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