Holidays are normally a very stressful time for everyone, including me, but this past weekend we had the most perfect holiday weekend. Sure there was a little stress involved, but I tried NOT to stress and just enjoy it, and we couldn’t have had a better time!!First I should back track a bit because the celebrating really started last Wednesday when the Imbodens came over for the holiday celebration between our two families. We decided to keep it a little more low key this year as far as the gifts go, and although both Kristi and I ended up ignoring the maximum we originally set for the girls (because we later decided to increase it a little bit), I think it worked out really well. Hadley picked out a new fish tank set-up for Alyson including two of her baby guppy fish, and Alyson got Hadley a CD player/boom box for her room and HSM3 CD. The baby girls exchanged little Pottery Barn Kids “Anywhere Chairs” for their dolls! They ended up sitting in them (instead of their dolls) and it was so cute! We had breakfast for dinner, which is one of ALL FOUR girls’ favorites! Now, Kristi wasn’t supposed to get me anything, but she said she just couldn’t resist and it wasn’t really supposed to be a Christmas present, but just an anytime present! I must say I am WAY glad she broke the rules this time because she got me the most ROCKIN’ KU shirt I have ever seen. It is from Victoria’s Secret and has rhinestones all over it…including their trademark “PINK” on the back in more rhinestones! I love it, love it, love it! I will have to have Scott take a picture of me wearing it sometime so that I can post it! I had never seen the shirt before and could seriously be done with Christmas now after receiving that shirt because I love it so much! Thanks a million times over, Kristi! I promise if I ever see anything equally special for you I will surprise you with it!! (FYI for all the rest of you…Kristi did not go to KU, so I will NOT be getting her a KU shirt!)
Hadley opening her new CD Boombox from the Imbodens!
Seville sitting on her doll chair from the Imbodens...holding her new doll!
Scott transferring two of our baby guppies to Alyson for the ride to their new home!
Friday I ended up helping out Hadley’s teacher and being the substitute teacher for the day to all NINE kids…and it was just me! We all had a blast and the day flew by. We did a craft, decorated cookies, did their gift exchange, made lunch (I had them help me make chicken puffs), they napped, and then at 3:00 SANTA came for a visit to the school. It was a really special day for me to be able to be at the school, and I really enjoyed it (I think/hope the kids did too!)
These next two are for Kristi...look at sweet Alyson talking to Santa. This is a classic "look" from Alyson when she is unsure of the situation. No direct eye contact please! :) She made sure she remembered to tell him what she forgot to tell him the previous time...a matching outfit for her American Girl Doll!
So cute! Doesn't get much more perfect than that!
Hadley is still a little unsure of Santa and would NOT sit on his lap, but I finally got her to stand next to him and talk to him.
She even gave him a BIG hug!
On Saturday at 10:00 a.m. we had the annual Fillingham Christmas gathering and gift exchange. This has traditionally been on Christmas Eve, and this was the first year we moved it to the Saturday before Christmas. We, along with everyone else we talked to, seemed to really like the change. It was more relaxed and less rushed! We had a wonderful brunch with probably 50 people or more, and then there was a gift exchange between the adults and one between the kids. That wrapped up around 1:30 p.m. or so and then we had about an hour to squeeze in a nap for the girls and then it was off to the Sprint Center at 3:00 p.m. to see the 4:30 showing of The Radio City Christmas Spectacular Starring the Rockettes!
We left Seville with Gam and Grampa and headed downtown with Jim, Susie, Craig and some other family members on Scott’s side. The Rockettes were so awesome, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t gone before if they are back in town next year. We will for sure go again! Hadley (in true Hadley form) cried when the show was over because “she just didn’t want it to end!” Needless to say, we bought her the DVD and she has watched it a million times since. We hadn’t purchased any new holiday DVDs this year and at $25 I didn’t think that was too bad…considering how much things cost at shows now-a-days! I figured it would be $40 or more!
After the Rockettes we headed down to PF Chang’s on the Plaza for our annual Skinner Christmas Dinner (we always go out before Christmas, but each year to a different place!) Uncle Craig brought Hadley some beaded bracelets from a white elephant exchange he had and they kept her busy the whole time, which was GREAT considering she was the only kid! This was the first year she has done the dinner with us and she really did great and we loved having her along! Only a few more years and Seville can join us too!
Seville, Lilli, Hope and Hadley eating brunch at the Fillingham Christmas celebration!
One view of the gang!
Another view...this time of the mostly 20-something gang!
This is what was left after almost everyone had already gone through the line! There is NEVER a shortage of food at a Fillingham family gathering!
Seville and her baby cousin Juliet!
Seville thought she was so big and was trying to love on Baby Juliet like she does the babies at her daycare! Here she was trying to give her a kiss!
The little kids all sang Jingle Bells! This was at my mother-in-law's house. Isn't it beautiful!!
Seville and Noelle had each other in the name they are exchanging gifts!
Hadley got her first scrapbook from cousin Lilli!
Uncle Shawn helping Seville get her new cell phone out of the box! Thanks, hands were FULL!
Hadley opening her present from Aunt Donna and family in Texas!
Seville with her Aunt Donna present!
This gives you just a slight idea of what present opening time is picture it in a much smaller space in years past! WOW! This time everyone was really able to spread out!
Seville and Grandpa Jim playing Tiger Wood's Golf on the Wii! I just love how Seville swings the controller around!
Uncle Shawn playing with the kids!
The Fillingham Derby!
Sunday was the big day at OUR house!! We hosted my Dad’s side of the family for our annual Christmas gathering. We rotate between houses each year and this year it was our turn! At first I wasn’t quite sure how we would pull it off since the previous week had been so busy and there was no time to prepare and we had literally NO time on Saturday, but I figured they were family and it didn’t matter (see…I am getting better in my old age, aren’t I!) So we got up around 8:00 a.m. and got everything done that we needed to in time for everyone to arrive at 4:00 p.m. It was a hit! We (or shall I say Scott because I was busy chasing Seville, but it was MY idea to begin with so I get some credit) cooked a stuffed pork tenderloin with an amazing goat cheese caper sauce. Stuffed with what you ask…well…goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, basil, etc. Susie and Jim make it and it is my favorite, so I decided we could make it and it turned out GREAT! I also made a salad with goat cheese, almonds and cranberries, and dirty rice with mushrooms! Yum! My sister brought a corn bake and my step-mom and Johanna (my brother’s girlfriend) each brought dessert. My brother brought the liquor, which works out well since he owns a liquor store and wholesale business. The kids all played in the basement, and some of the older ones played Wii. My Dad and Pat even played Wii for a bit after everyone left! We exchanged presents during the evening and the girls got some stuff they had really been wanting. Hadley got the snow cone maker, new fish tank and kid camcorder she had been asking for. Seville got a new stroller (so cute), a baby highchair and a Snugglekins! They are both loving playing with all of them, plus all the other wonderful stuff they got! We are lucky to have so many wonderful family members who love our girls so much!!
Seville...always the lover of dips!
We had a sit-down dinner and Hadley made the place cards!
Seville and her Frosty...she carries him ALL OVER the house all the time!
Playing with the parachute in the basement! I hadn't seen that toy in awhile, but it was fun to bring it out!
Sam, Kade, Seville, Jace and Jacqueline (JJ)
Francesca and Hadley
Johnny, Johanna, John, Pat, Frank, Shawn, Scott and my empty chair!
This picture is blurry, but I had to post because I love the reaction on Hadley's face when she opened her snow cone machine from Grandpa John and Grandma Pat!
Seville loved her new doll from Johanna, Jace and Kade!
Seville also loved her new doll highchair from Uncle Johnny! I didn't get a picture of her Snugglekins from Aunt Shawn and family yet, but I will in the next few days. It is in her room now and she just squeals with delight every time she sees in and then runs over to play with it. She even took the Snugglekins monkey with her to school on Monday!
Hadley with her new fish tank from Uncle Johnny!
Hadley with her new camcorder from Aunt Shawn and family!
Sam and Grandpa John (Sam is wearing Grandpa's sunglasses from when Grandpa flew airplanes in the military! They are the real deal!)
Seville pushing her new "pram" stroller from Grandpa John and Grandma Pat!
Well, now it is Christmas Eve Eve and Scott is down in the basement assembling “things”!!! He just came up and said one thing is going to have to go back. Darn it! And of course it is one I ordered online! Oh well…what are you going to do! However, Santa is probably not really in the business of brining broken things. Not sure how we explain that one! Maybe it got broke trying to come down that chimney! That should work for a 4 year old! Never mind the fact that the glass on the front of our fireplace doesn’t even open. I wonder when she will be old enough to figure that one out?
For now…good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite! Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
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