Believe it or not we are still celebrating my 30th birthday! With all that we have had going on and all that my Mom and Jon have had going on, we hadn't been able to officially go out to dinner and celebrate yet, so we finally did that on Friday night! I could not figure out for the life of me what I wanted to do, but I wanted it to be kid friendly, so when Hadley got home from school I just asked her and she immediately knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to go to the mall and eat at "that place...ya know Mom...that place?" I said "Nordstrom Cafe" and she said "YEAH!!" Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Nordstrom Cafe, but I had a feeling she also wanted to do something else at the mall. She loves jumping on the bungee trampolines that they have! So, after enjoying a nice dinner at Nordstrom Cafe, complete with Hadley's favorite tomato soup, we headed to the trampolines! But it wasn't just Hadley that got to jump this time...we finally let Seville do it too! She seems way too young, but she wouldn't agree, so jump she did...and she wasn't scared one bit!! (NOTE: These photos are pretty bad, but I was using my mom's camera and it wouldn't take the pics when I wanted it to...and well, it is the thought that counts!)
Seville getting hooked up for her first time on the bungee trampoline!

Up she goes! Look at that smile! :)

We were trying to explain to her how she could bend her knees when she jumped and go higher!

It worked!

Look how much higher she got! (Use the Motherhood Maternity sign as a frame of reference!)

And again!

Coming back down!

Grampa is a big softie and can't say no to a ride on the merry-go-round!

Of course they had to ride on the second level where I could hardly get any pics!

Hadley and Gam!

Hi Mom!

Back at the Mom and Jon brought a DQ ice cream cake to help us celebrate! Yum, yum!!

That night the girls got to have their first slumber party in the guest room! I have feeling this will become a favorite tradition! They made sure to bring all of their favorite things along!

Until next time!
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