Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Girl is Back!

Hadley is having such a fabulous time at Ms. B’s and we could not be happier! She wakes up every morning now and asks me if it is a school day and when I say yes she just cheers! “YEAHHHHHHH!!!!” Is that great or what!! Things always happen for a reason and this is certainly one of those times. My mom keeps saying that if she wouldn’t have had such a poor teacher during her last six months at the old school we probably wouldn’t have looked into switching her because there was nothing wrong with the school itself and I think she is probably right, but OH MY GOSH am I glad we did. Ms. B is bringing out a totally different side of Hadley. She really wants to learn new things now, and is SO excited about it! It reminds me of how she was when Gail started doing preschool with her at 2 years old and she just soaked it all up and amazed me everyday when she came home. That child was gone for the past year (she was probably just bored), but she is back now and we are so excited! It is so important to have someone who is excited about learning and being with kids and Ms. B is just fabulous!! We cannot say enough good things, but the smiles on the kids faces say it all! Here are some recent pics. Ms. B sends these to us when she can!

Celebrating during their "Good Choice Coin Party!"
Playing limbo during the party!
Making a train during imagination week!
Girly hug and new friends! (It is currently Princess/Imagination week!) This is my favorite picture! Too cute!
Helping make a backdrop for princess pictures!
More princess friends!!
New friend!
Pretending to be someone else for the day. Hadley was "Claire!" Not sure why since we don't even know anyone named Claire, but it is cute anyway! Alyson was Missy Flower. Isn't that cute!


The Perdaris Family: said...

How great - that just shows the importance of good teachers that inspire others to want to learn. Did Ms B's take those photos for you? It's really nice to see what she's doing while you're away.

Kenna Skinner said...

Yes, Ms. B takes them! Isn't that so fun! I love seeing what she does during the day!