Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, April 4, 2008


WOW…I haven’t had a chance to post for a long time…maybe it is because Scott has been in Buenos Aires, Argentina all week and I have been “single-momming” it (with the help of my mom too!!)

Anyway, I don’t have any pictures because I actually had to send my new camera back to get another new one. It was acting up a bit and with as much as we spent I just wanted to make sure it was perfect for the long haul. The new replacement is now here, so hopefully there will be some new pics to post soon!

Last Friday we got to go see Uncle Craig’s new house down by KU Med (oh, wait…I mean right by KU Med!!!) He did an awesome job picking his first place. It is so cute and spacious and will be so easy to resell with the hospital and students being right there!! He is doing lots of work on it, and I just can’t wait to see how it evolves over the next few years! It is the perfect place for him and we are so excited and proud that he is now a homeowner!!!

On Saturday morning I got up to help Kristi with final preparations for Gracyn’s first birthday party! Neither of us really have a sister close by to be able to help with that stuff, so it is nice to have each other!! Kristi had a super cute cupcake themed party for Gracyn’s, and made these adorable HUGE cupcakes!! It was a GREAT party!! I’m sure you will be able to see pics on her site soon
, but she has been really busy too!

I know…you aren’t going to believe this, but on Saturday night Kristi, Jeremy, Scott and I went out on our very FIRST date night! Really, I’m not kidding…we have NEVER been out all four of us without our kids!! Now of course we missed them, but is was an AWESOME time!! We all felt so “light”! Literally and physically I think!! We could actually talk and not tend to kids the whole night, we didn’t have to worry about the time, etc. It was just fabulous and we can’t wait to do it again! We went to the Plaza this time, and I think we need to try the Power & Light District next time! I am hearing great things about it!! Thanks to all of the grandparents who helped watch all of the girls!! It really felt great to go out after a few hard weeks!

Sunday we got together with my dad’s side of the family to celebrate a bunch of missed birthdays. We watched the KU game (thank God they pulled that one off!) and ate his famous Croney Dogs!! YUM, YUM!!! Unfortunately, Hadley had come down with the flu and Scott and her had to stay home. We had all been so looking forward to it and it really kind of put a damper on things, but what are you going to do…if they are sick, they are sick!!

Scott gets back today and we cannot wait!! We have missed him so much!! It just isn’t the same without him here! We have a lot of work to do tonight and tomorrow because we are having Kelly, Kyle and Evie over tomorrow night the KU game, and then on Sunday all of Scott’s family is coming over (I mean like all 40-50 of them) for Feb, Mar, and April b-day celebrations!! I still need to go to the store, cook, etc.!! Wish me luck!

Talk to you all soon!! Have a GREAT weekend!

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