Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Seville!

On Sunday, March 1st Seville turned two! We can't believe our little princess has been with us for two whole years! It just doesn't seem possible! She has been such a joy recently (not that she wasn't before, but she is at a really fun age right now), and she has us in stitches most of the time! She is such a funny little girl and is always trying the craziest things! We just love her to pieces!

I took her to her two year appointment last Wednesday and she is only 22 lbs and in the 5th percentile! When the doctor put her information on her chart she said "wow, you are a lil' peanut!" So that is our new nickname for her...Lil' Peanut! It seems to fit her just perfectly. Of course she has a billion other nicknames just like she has since the day she was born like "Roo" and "Billy!"

On her birthday we had a little party for her at Monkey Buziness, but I will have to post those pictures later this week. For now I am going to post the pictures from this past Saturday when we hosted the Fillingham March birthday dinner at our house!

As most of you know, Scott's side of the family is very large, and we get together once a month to celebrate the birthdays for that month. It takes a lot of time to prepare for a group of almost 50 people, so Scott decided to take the girls to open gym on Saturday morning so that I could work on a few things (well, actually it was Hadley's idea, but it seemed like a good idea to us!) I must warn you in advance. I had a time narrowing down pictures today!

I took the time to do Seville's hair a little extra special for Saturday and then decided that I should probably take a picture before she took it all out...which she does EVERYDAY! I love how you can see her eyelashes in this picture!
Five little ponies...WOW! Her hair is still short in the front but long in the back so this is one of the only ways it will all stay in!
Little miss blue eyes...
...being a monkey on Mommy's stool!
My other blue eyed beauty who wanted piggy tails like sissy...that is rare!
My girls!
All ready for open gym!
Seville loves purses and shoes, so for her 2nd birthday I decided to make her a purse cake. It is made using Wilton cupcake molds and then I iced it and decorated it with candy!
Here is what the food looks like for a Fillingham family gathering! Yumm! BTW...I didn't have to make it all. Everyone helps bring a little bit nowadays, which is really helpful now that the group is getting so large!
It is becoming my tradition when we host big events at our house to just bring in the kid's picnic table and place it in the middle of our kitchen. It works so great, and the kids are so happy sitting there!
Here is our sweet next door neighbor Corinne! She turns one this week! YEAH!! We just can't get enough of her, and recently she has decided that she loves our girls to pieces! Her mom says she can't even see our house now without throwing a fit and wanting to come in. What can I say...the girl knows where to find the good girl toys and I don't blame her! (Corinne has a big brother and lots of boy toys at her house!)
Here are the birthday twins: Seville and Jim! Since I had to be induced two weeks early for Seville's delivery we got some say in the date and so we picked for her birthday to be on March 1st, the same as her Grandpa Jim!
Daddy and his birthday girl!
I love how he is looking at her in this picture! So sweet! He is such a great daddy!
Make a wish is going to be a great year!
When she was done blowing out her candles she was so excited and wanted to clap for herself...everyone else was clapping too!
Next in line for the March birthdays was cousin Lauren, who is turning five this month! It looks like Hadley thought she needed a little help blowing out her candles!
Then cousin Becca who is turning 21! She is holding her baby brother Jack!
We invited our friends Jen and Dan to join the Fillingham birthday extravaganza this month! First, we hadn't seen them in awhile since they have been out of town and we missed them, and second, they are both only children like me and I thought it would be fun for them to be part of a big family tradition. I think they were pretty amazed with all of the people, but they had a really good time! Dan is a leap day baby so since he didn't really have a birthday this year we decided to sing to him too!
Finally it was Grandpa Jim's turn...the big 5-5! Such a cute picture of him and his granddaughter. Notice how she helped almost everyone blow out their candles! Thats my girl!
Oh...that sweet baby Corinne again! What a doll!
Present time! Seville got to go first! Here she is opening presents while sitting in the new polka-dot adorandak chair that Grandpa Jim built for her! Isn't he amazing!
Grandma Sue Sue picked out some sunglasses for her! I forgot to add sunglasses to the list of things she loves. Purses, shoes and SUNGLASSES!!
Once again Craig hit the jackpot with his gift selections. He has the most amazing ability to get the girls the neatest things that they just love...and always things that we don't have! This year he got Seville a picnic set! So cute! Here she is with it on her arm!
And he got her the most adorable umbrella (do you recognize it now from Evie's pictures...I stole it from Seville for the photo shoot!)
It is the most perfect picture umbrella! Maybe I should go buy a second one in case this one ever breaks!
Jen and Dan brought Hadley a surprise was a little pug dog in a pink dog purse! She loves it and has requested it many times this week already!
Here is the matching hat to go with the sunglasses from Grandma Sue Sue! Also a new baby doll from Aunt Julie and Uncle Bill!
Okay, these just crack me up...could she be any cuter! She put the sunglasses on top of her head by herself ( you think Scott and I do that a lot or what!) She also found the dog and put the picnic basket on her arm. Then she decided to head outside...
...what a cutie!
Hadley decided her new puppy needed a ride in Seville's doll carrier! This picture just makes me realize how much she is growing up. She is so beautiful and she has the biggest heart!
Later in the evening after everyone had left Seville found Jen's snake skin heels and she just had to try them on! Dan stepped right in to help her so she wouldn't fall! Hard to believe they don't have kids. Look how proud and happy he looks!
BTW...these are the new jammies that Aunt Kristi, Uncle Jeremy, Alyson and Gracyn got Seville for her birthday. They are her new favorite and she request them EVERY night!
OMG...I can hardly stand it! Snake skin heels, a nightgown and an umbrella...WATCH OUT WORLD here comes our baby girl!
What a perfect little birthday girl! Happy birthday princess! We hope you had a great time! We love you sooooo much!

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