You might remember my post from earlier this month about the Miley Cyrus concert being cancelled. Well, that was a huge bummer, but what was an even bigger bummer was that they rescheduled it for the evening of our annual hayride and the Evite had already gone out to well over 50 people! Not only could we not make the rescheduled night, but Corrie and Heather who we were going with couldn't make it either because they needed to be in Western Kansas for Heather's niece's first birthday party! Miley also cancelled her Omaha concert and the reschedule date, although not convenient because it was during the week, did work with our schedules, so after some deliberation we eventually turned in our great seats at the Sprint Center in KC and waited to score some equally great seats in Omaha...which we did! Everything sounds good, right? WRONG!! As luck would have it, first Miley was sick, and last week Hadley was sick. Really sick! She had a fever for five days straight and missed all but a half day of school. We kept thinking she was going to pop out of it at anytime, so on Tuesday (after she tested negative for the flu and strep) we didn't know what else to do and decided that didn't want to break her heart again and tell her she couldn't go AGAIN, so off to Omaha we went. She showed signs of perking up, but those quickly faded. She fell asleep in the car even though she was with her best buddy and this was suppose to be their special road trip. She perked up a little more when we got to the concert, but then faded again and didn't even want to sing or stand even though she knows all the words and there were teenagers standing in front of us which made it impossible to see without standing. It was so hard for me to watch my baby's special night be all but ruined...something we had all been looking forward to for a very long time, but I know she soaked some of it in, and I am glad we went! I would go see Miley again in a heartbeat, but then I like Miley just about as much as Hadley does...and I am okay with that! Her "Miley" music actually isn't that bad!
Corrie and Hadley ready for the concert in their Miley gear!

You can see how not well Hadley was feeling by looking at her is not just a bad picture...that is pretty much how she looked the whole night! Poor baby!

We got stuck in the WORST traffic on the way to the Qwest Center. We went all of three blocks in over an hour...REALLY!! We could see the Qwest center but just couldn't move or park. We ended up missing the entire opening act even though we were in the vicinity over an hour early!

Getting excited to get there!

Corrie too! I have to apologize, but for some reason I always get pictures of Corrie with her eyes either shut or halfway shut! Sorry, Corrie!

The Qwest center from our car...this is what we saw for over an hour! Oh...if you can't tell it was raining! So NOT fun for the walk in!

Another cute shot of the girls!

Waiting in line for a shirt!

Finally in our seats...with only minutes to spare before Miley came on!

Self portrait!

Full house!

We had great seats in the lower bowl right by the stage! Thanks, Ryan!

Waiting for Miley! Words cannot express the screaming that was going on in the Qwest Center at this point! It was amazing!! Who knew little girls could be so loud...well, actually I did!

Corrie and Heather!

Hadley and Me!

Here she comes!

She punched out that iceberg and came out from the middle! Hadley LOVED that!

A boat!

Hadley is absolutely 100% convinced that the two people behind Miley in this picture are her "brother Jackson" and her "dad" from the show Hannah Montana. She was sooooo excited about that! "Mom...that is them...that is really them...that is her brother Jackson and her Dad...really is!!" I just went with it! :) Too cute!

Watching intently!

Miley jumped into that hole behind her and then showed up on the screens as if she was swimming for "Bottom of the Ocean!"

SOOO excited for "Fly on the Wall!"

They drove this car out on the stage!

Bad picture...but this is Miley and her crew doing a tribute to Michael Jackson's "Thriller!" Very cool!

Anyone for a little "Hoedown Throwdown!"

"These Four Walls"

Heather and Corrie quietly listening to "These Four Walls!"

"Girls Night Out"

Miley getting ready on her motorcycle to do a cover of "I Love Rock and Roll!"

She was so close to us! Very cool...and great song too!

Flying over the packed house!

Not sure what Hadley was excited about, but I love the expression and clasped hands!

This is when she came back out to do her encore...including "The Climb!"

More people went flying into the pit behind her at the end!

I cannot tell you how much it breaks my heart that Hadley was sick and that she didn't enjoy the night as much as I know she would have otherwise, but it was still a great night and one that we will always remember! I hope Miley comes back to KC while Hadley (and I) are still into her! :) We can't wait to go again...and bring Seville!
Until next time!