Tonight we were suppose to be at the Miley Cyrus concert...something we had been looking forward to for many, many months...but Miley is sick and cancelled her concert. :( She cancelled her one last night in Omaha too, and those are the only two concerts she has cancelled in her life. Talk about bad luck!! So, what do you do when luck isn't on your side and you have two sad five year olds who were expecting to see Miley this weekend...well, you take them to the AMC Fork & Screen theaters to see "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!" Better yet, since it is Makoto's last weekend in the U.S., you ask her to go along too! SCORE...I think we somehow made our lemons into lemonade!!
Makoto, Seville, Hadley and Corrie waiting to go into the theater!

Fork & Screen is a somewhat new concept for AMC. I think it has been around for a year or so, but we have not had a chance to go yet! The seats have a bar in front of them and you get to order food right from your seats...and we are not just talking your normal theater food. I think among our group we had things like fish and chips, a black and blue burger, a chicken salad, quesadillas, thai chicken tenders, etc. It was a GREAT experience and we will definitely go back! Next time we might even have to try the Cinema Suites, which have comfy leather reclining chairs and tables that go right over your lap! However, Cinema Suites is only for 21 and up, so we won't be taking the kiddos to that!

Not only was this our first time at Fork & was also Seville's very first movie in the theater! She was thrilled to be there! Too bad she decided to go to the bathroom like SIX times during the movie! Owell!

Her best buddy from school, Addison, got to go with us!

Hadley and Makoto!

Corrie, Hadley and Makoto!

Corrie and Hadley...they were so excited and hyper all night!! I think that being in different schools now really has them missing each other!

Daddy and his little girl!

Mommy and Daddy with Seville at her very first movie!!

Ryan, Addison, Heather and Corrie!

Everyone eating and watching the previews!

I hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend!!
Until next time...
P.S. Have I mentioned how sad we are to see Makoto go!! Monday is going to be a very hard day! :( She is so special to us and the girls! We are so lucky and thankful that she has come into our lives!
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