No, I have not disappeared off the face of the earth…I have just been super busy with everything work and family related and spend every spare moment in the late evenings editing client pictures, which means no time for the poor blog! I do miss it and feel completely overwhelmed with how much I need to update it and really do hope to get around to it at some point! I have so many fun (personal) pictures to share! My fingers are crossed that I might have some time over the Christmas break!
In the meantime, I just thought I would say hi and post some random tidbits of info:
1) We went to Denver for Thanksgiving and had a WONDERFUL time! We visited our “family” members Jenny, John, Kalia and Kaleo! The kids played for hours and hours and hours, and it was such a nice, fun and relaxing trip! We can’t wait to do it again!
(please ignore the big HUGE spot of light on this picture!)

2) Hadley lost her first tooth on Thursday, November 19th! She was a little worried about it at first, but then we read some books and she got really excited! Her new grin is super cute!

4) We started the “Elf on a Shelf” tradition Tuesday night and the girls are completely amazed and delighted with him! What a fun tradition! I heard about it from our friends Heather and Ryan. You can get it at Hallmark! I highly recommend it! It is a complete joy to share the magic of the season with the girls through this little elf who watches everything they do and then flies up to the North Pole every night to tell Santa and then comes back down and lands in a different place in your house! The girls can’t wait to get up and find Elfie every morning! You also can’t touch him and they love to remind me about the rules and keep glancing at him constantly to make sure he isn’t moving or blinking!
This is where Elfie "landed" this morning!

5) We found a Zhu Zhu Pet on Black Friday (amongst other things!) How lucky are we!! :) For those of you who don't know, Zhu Zhu Pets are the Tickle Me Elmo of this year's holiday season. They are impossible to find and everyone is lining up at stores when they open to track these little mechanical hamsters down. Hadley first saw them back in the summer and said she would like one, and I said "well...put it on your Christmas list!" I had no clue how popular they were going to become. I thought...oh cool, a cute little toy that we can get Hadley for Christmas...Scott and I can pick that up on our annual shopping day together in December...NOT SO MUCH!! Well, at least we now have one hamster and a few accessories, but we still need the fun house! Please buy one if you see it and we will pay you back! :) (that is if you don't need it for your little kiddos!!)
6) The line at Toys-R-Us in Denver at midnight on Black Friday went around ALL FOUR sides of the building! Needless to say, we went back home and came back later! When I asked the lady at the customer service desk how long it took the line to get in the store she said that they shut the doors at 12:10 and it was one in/one out! CRAZY! She also said they sold out of Zhu Zhu Pets at 12:05!
7) The house is all decorated inside and out and it feels great! I love having the house decorated for Christmas!

8) My photography website will be going live (FINALLY) in the next few weeks, and I can’t wait to share it with you all! As you can probably tell from the last post the name will be Finding Focus Photography, but I am keeping the official logo under wraps until the website is launched! There is a lot of reason behind the name, but we will save that for the website launch as well!
9) Hadley is participating in two Christmas programs this year. One is at my mom’s church and the other is a Christmas Choir at our neighbor’s church. She also starts Upward Cheerleading this week! We don't have one free night from now until after Christmas!
10) I finished our Christmas countdown calendar Tuesday and we have lots of fun things planned each night from now until Christmas. This is another tradition that the girls just love! Some of the things include: writing a letter to Santa, driving around and looking at Christmas lights in our PJs while drinking hot cocoa, donating a toy to Toys for Tots, sending a care package to soldiers overseas, dancing to Christmas songs, baking and decorating cookies for Santa, remembering what we are thankful for, etc.!
Here is the little care package for a soldier that they picked out tonight! We let the girls pick what they wanted to send off the list and this is what we ended up with. At one point Seville wanted to get something for herself and Hadley told her that we were just buying for the soldiers tonight! We were so glad that she really "got it!!"

11) Seville loves getting "capillar, capillar" doughnuts on the weekends! We love to hear her say it and are happy to oblige! It is becoming somewhat of a tradition! They have "popsicle" doughnuts too!

12) The girls love to sleep together on the weekends! I hope they are close sisters and friends forever and ever!! It makes my heart happy!

13) We joined a gym, but it doesn't open until March! I am really excited beacause I can make a New Year's resolution to start working out, but I don't have to do anything until March! Really though, we are very excited because we have never done anything like this and we think it will be good for our family! We can't wait for it to open!
Well, that is about it for now folks!
Until next time,
1 comment:
I love this post! I feel all caught up on the Skinner happenings. You always have such sweet things planned. I know Hadley and Seville must cherish these moments dearly! Elfie is really cute! Cant wait to see your website! I will have to tell Dan about Hadleys tooth. I bet he would like to see her new smile! Meant to ask what your new years plans are? Want to do anything couples-only?
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