Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy First Birthday Seville!!!

Saturday (March 1st) was Seville’s FIRST birthday! We are not having her party until next weekend, but we wanted to make sure the day was extra special and fun for her so we decided to have a little party out at my Mom and Jon’s farm!

The day was just perfect and I can’t believe my baby is already ONE! It is hard to believe that a year ago we were still in the hospital just getting to know her. She is such an amazing and special little girl! She has added so much to our family and we cannot imagine life without her! Seville, Mommy hopes you had a great first birthday and we can’t wait to celebrate more next weekend! Happy birthday sweetie!

(As a side note, I just got my new camera on Friday night! After many months of researching and trying to decide what I wanted, I went with the Nikon D80 and I could not be happier! The good news is it is a joy to use, it takes great pictures and my girls don’t have near as bad red eye…the bad new is we took over 200 pictures yesterday alone! It just takes pictures so quick it is hard not to! I have tried to sort through them as best I can and for easier viewing will post them in a slideshow below!)

As a brief recap, here is how the day went (in order of the pictures so that you know what is going on!)
1) We made Seville a special breakfast, including PINK waffles!!
2) Seville and Hadley played IN the toy box!!
3) Scott came up with this GREAT idea (all on his OWN) to get special cupcakes for Seville from this specialty cupcake shop called “Baby Cakes!” I thought it was so sweet he thought of that!
4) Seville moved to her new big girl car seat and got to turn around in the car. She was a bit tired in the picture, but she is so thrilled to be facing forward! She just smiles and smiles…and Hadley makes sure she turns on the TV for her!
5) We headed to my Mom and Jon’s and after the girls took quick naps the Imboden’s arrived and smart Kristi brought kites for the girls to fly (it was a super windy day!) It was so much fun! I haven’t flown a kite in FOREVER!
6) The girls played on the trampoline…always a blast!! Even the little girls got their turn!
7) Seville opened a few presents before dinner. We were pretty surprised, but she actually opened them all by herself (one little piece of paper at a time) and she would hand each little piece to Kristi. It was so cute!!
8) We ate dinner and then Seville had her special red velvet cupcake!
9) We opened some more presents…and played with toys and the cat!! Can you believe how good the cat is around babies (just check out the pictures of Gracyn with the Jaycee the cat!)
10) It was time for a bottle with grandpa and then we headed home!

What a GREAT day!

1 comment:

The Perdaris Family: said...

Happy Birthday Miss Seville!!!