Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Seville's Ladybug Party!

Saturday was Seville’s ladybug party! We had such a great time! I think I will just let the pictures tell the story. It was so nice to have a special day JUST for her and to celebrate the sweet little girl that she is! I know it might seem like a lot of pics, but I actually cut them down from 161 to 77, so I am pretty proud. That darn new camera! (Just kidding…I LOVE it!!) Thanks to everyone who attended for making it such a special day! She might not remember it, but we sure will…and there will be plenty of pictures to show her when she gets older!! I was still cleaning icing out of her ears yesterday! And yes...I did make the ladybug cake...aren't you impressed! I made one for Hadley and one for Seville, and now I am done with my cake baking career! HA!!


The Perdaris Family: said...

Aww - you didn't want to clean red icing out of her clothes... where's your sense of adventure???

Very cute!!!

Anonymous said...

That little gal sure had fun at her party...especially eating her cake! We are glad we got to be part of both is good to be Gam and Grampaw!!! We love it!
Happy Birthday Little Angel! We love you!