Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ya know you live in Kansas when...

Your daughter's school gets cancelled at 9:17 the night before "due to the incoming winter storm!" Oh, and guess what, there is not ONE flake of snow in the air yet...NOT ONE! And just incase you are wondering the school district texted me with this information! I seriously cannot believe they have called off school already, but then again we live in Kansas and I am not that surprised! We get an inch of snow (or less) and the whole city shuts down! Gotta love it! I wish I didn't have so much work to do and could enjoy the snow day with her! :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds cheesy but I randomly stumbled across your blog about a year ago and even though I'm only 20...I aspire to be as involved and good as a mum as you seem. Hope this doesn't freak you out :)