Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, December 14, 2007

Seville's 9 Month Appointment

Seville had her 9 month appointment on Wednesday. We were actually about 12 days late, but who is was the first appointment they had when I called to set it up awhile back, and it ended up working out great because I could tell her pediatrician the results of her sedated ABR in person! Anyway, Seville is doing just GREAT!! She is 17 pounds (25th percentile), 27.5 inches (50th percentile), and her head 17.25 inches around (40th percentile). For any of you keeping track this means Seville is 2 pounds and 13 ounces lighter than Hadley at the EXACT same age...hard to believe if you ask me, but any mom of two appreciates carrying around a little less weight, right!! Seville has her bottom two teeth and the top two are on their way in right now. She crawls everywhere, pulls up on everything, is starting to cruise the furniture and even lets go of things for a few seconds sometimes and stands on her own!

For those of you who have never been to our house, I thought I would share some pictures of Seville's room. It dawned on me the other day that I had never taken any pictures of her room, yet Hadley has a whole spread in her scrapbook dedicated to her baby room!! It has been my constant vow (and great worry) to make sure I have an equally great scrapbook for Seville's first year (we will see how far I get after that), so I had to take these pictures so that I can do a spread for her too! I just love decorating my girls rooms! I will have to post a picture of Hadley's room someday too! I painted squares in five different colors all over her took FOREVER, but I love it!! Seville's is a bit simpler, but I love how it turned out too!

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