Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What a fun night...

Last night (Wednesday) we were getting ready to go to dance when we got a call from Kristi (well, actually Alyson was the one who called believe it or not!) They wanted to know if we wanted to skip dance and come over for some pizza and meet her sister, Kim, who was in town from L.A. (she is actually in a very popular band, but I won't say which one!) We had such a fun night!! Kristi’s brother Jeremy came over too with his two boys and the kids played and played and played!! Kim was soooo sweet, and we really enjoyed getting the chance to meet her. It is funny because I feel like I know Kristi’s family even though I haven’t really met that many of them! Once again, we all played Rock Band at some point in the evening. Kim joined in the fun and Kristi’s brother Jeremy brought a second guitar, so that added an interesting twist!

I also got my hair cut yesterday!! I went to my next-door neighbor’s stylist and she did an AWESOME job! I am really happy with it!! I am, however, very upset that she (the stylist) went into labor at 1:00 a.m. last night and now my neighbor Amy did NOT get to get her hair cut and colored today!! Ya see, she had given me her appointment yesterday and took the Thursday one instead (which should have been mine!) I cannot even tell you how bad I feel since it was my first time to see her and Amy has been seeing her for years!! As far as my hair goes, I’ve kept it my natural color for about the past two years…mainly to save time and money, but it was just looking so dull, and Scott says he likes it better blonde (when I finally drug it out of him), so I had her put some blonde back in it yesterday…it is nice to have some brightness again!! Hopefully I won’t regret the upkeep that is going to take!!

Tonight we met my Mom and Jon out to eat at Panera. It is so nice to not be very far from them. We just called on a whim and met half way, and then we did a little bit of last minute Christmas shopping afterwards. Hadley loves any chance to see her Grandparents! Now the kids are in bed, I have a load of laundry in, and I am off to bed too! Tomorrow is my last day of work until after the New Year!! Yeah...I can't wait for a break!!

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