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What can I say...the girl loves pickles! I'm so proud!! She is taking after her Mommy, Sissy, Gam, Grandpa John, cousin Francesca and many others in our family as she starts her love for pickles at a very young age!! The girls and I took Scott to his favorite barbeque place (Oklahoma Joe’s) on Monday night to help make up for his not so great birthday, and I asked Scott to get me some extra pickles for my sandwich (Hadley had already taken Scott’s off his plate, so she was going to need some more too!) Seville has not been eating well at all lately (because of her ears we think), so I thought what the heck I will give her a pickle (thinking that we would get some funny faces out of it)…well, I was so, so WRONG…she loved them!! She dropped everything in her hands and was double fisting the pickle slices. She could not get enough! These pics are from my camera phone…sorry they aren’t the best, but it is just too funny not to share! 
I will call this past weekend a mixed weekend because it was full of both good and bad things…well, mostly all good, but sometimes even one bad thing can put a kink in things!
This past weekend was my annual church crop with all of my girlfriends. For any of you who might not know what a “crop” is that is another term for working on your scrapbook (i.e., “cropping”!) Anyway, my friend Jenn works at a church and each year they have an annual weekend crop that runs Friday and Saturday. This is something we all look forward to each year, unfortunately it has ALWAYS fallen on Scott’s birthday weekend (Jenn, can you look into changing that for next year…PRETTY PLEASE!!) Scott is always a great sport about this, and I always make sure plenty of grandparents are lined up to help with the girls! This year was another great crop! I actually feel like I got a lot of great pages accomplished, which is not normally the case since we normally do more talking than cropping! We cropped till about 12:30 a.m. on Friday evening and then again from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Saturday. After that I surprised Scott by taking him out to one of his favorite restaurants for dinner…d’ Bronx! My mom and Jon went, as well as the girls, and Kristi and Jeremy were even nice enough to meet up with us and make it a little more festive (even though they were kidless and could have had a date night!)
So where is the bad part you ask, well Sunday was Scott’s actual birthday. We got up and had breakfast and the girls and I gave him a small gift and then we all went down to the basement to play. I heard Scott banging around in the storage room and he had decided to install some lights in the storage area. Seville was getting tired, so I laid her down and then decided to take a shower because I was suppose to go to my friend’s baby shower at 1:00 p.m. While I was drying my hair Hadley walked up and said “Mommy, Daddy needs your help real quick. There is a hole and water is going to go all over the basement and ruin everything!” So I rush downstairs (thankful that my daughter is now old enough to alert me to such things) and I see Scott standing on a ladder holding a pipe. He lets go and I hear a loud hissing sound…no water (Hadley had that part wrong), but freon gas (which we knew very little about until yesterday)! My hair was wet, I was in a towel, and Scott needed my help…AHHH!!! I went to the neighbor’s to get duct tape, but that didn’t work. We started calling various parents and eventually had to just let the freon gas dilute into the house. We didn’t know if this was bad for our health or not, so I decided to throw the kids in the car (cancel the baby shower I was suppose to attend) and head out to my Mom and Jon’s. We found out later that the gas isn’t that bad for you, but better safe than sorry! It was close to impossible to find anyone to talk to about the problem on a Sunday, but we did find someone to fix it this week! I guess freon gas is very expensive, so now Scott will be getting some new freon as the rest of his birthday present. How did this hole get in the gas line you ask…well a hot wire touched it (and the rest Scott will have to tell you!) Needless to say, this whole ordeal really put a crimp in his birthday, so I have told him to forget about it and we will just celebrate again next weekend! Poor guy! Good thing the Super Bowl is next weekend! I have another really busy week at work…this is by far my worst time of year (although there is really no good times anymore!) I'm looking forward to taking Hadley and Alyson to Sesame Street Live with Kristi on Friday night. Maybe then I will have some new pictures to share!
Oh the sweet sounds of motherhood…Seville has now officially melted my heart (as if she hadn’t already!) This week she started saying “MAMA” consistently!!! It is not always 100% for me directly, but she has definitely said it a few times when she reaches out for me and man let me tell you folks, that just melts a mama’s heart!! Hadley said “mama” really late, so to hear this sweet sound of motherhood at 10 months, from a child who makes very few sounds as it is, just really, really touches me!! I wish you all could hear it! On another note, many of you might know that we have been looking for a new preschool for Hadley for a few months now; however, if we are going to put her through the stress of moving schools again, this time it needs to be just right. We have looked at several places, but nothing was standing out as the right place for Hadley. It was becoming very, very stressful because I just didn’t know what to do, and then, and that moment, when I was at my wits end and beginning to loose all hope I found it…the perfect place…Ms. B’s!! You know when you just know in your heart that something is right, well that is exactly how I feel about Ms. B’s. I could not be more excited about Hadley (and her best buddy Alyson) attending this FABOLOUS preschool! They are going to learn so much and have so much fun doing it! Ms. B is just amazing and she runs the preschool like I would if I ever had the credentials! It is so organized that words cannot even explain it! Between having the fabulous and amazing Ms. Gail watch Seville and now Ms. B teaching Hadley, I feel like we are the luckiest parents in the world! If you have to work, and we do, having the right people to watch and care for your kids just makes all of the difference! Hadley will start her new preschool on February 4th! Here on some pics from the day her and Alyson visited their new class!Making snow...INSIDE!!
Making more snow!
Playing with the snow!
Singing with Ms. Kerri!
Class picture (minus Hadley and Alyson because they weren't cooperating!)
Hope you all enjoy Seville's new do!
Yesterday I took Seville to the ENT for her follow-up appointment to the sedated ABR she had back in December. Unfortunately, the appointment didn’t go real great. They ran tempanograms on her again and she flat lined both ears this time, meaning that she has lots of pressure and/or fluid in her ears. The strange thing is every time this happens the doctors want to look in her ears right away because they are just sure she has an ear infection, but when they look in her ears everything looks fine. Yesterday she had no ear infections even though she flat lined both tempanograms. So, what does this all mean you ask…we have one more follow-up appointment on February 11th, and if things are not improving by then we will schedule for tubes to be put in right away! The doctors say that she hears as if she were underwater or like her ears are plugged from flying on a plane (I hate that feeling!!) Scott and I both want to do whatever we can to help her hear better, and we think the tubes would really help! Although no one wants their baby to have surgery, this seems like a no-brainer to us after going through Hadley’s tonsil/adenoidectomy and seeing how amazing the results have been!
This is my new favorite phrase of Hadley's. She has been saying it a lot lately and it always makes me stop dead in my tracks and laugh. Normally it goes something like this: "Mommy, when Daddy sees me in my new leotard he is GOING TO FLIP!" or "Daddy, when Gam sees that I can do XYZ, she is GOING TO FLIP!" I just think it is such a cute phrase to come out of a 3 1/2 year old! The other thing she has been saying a lot lately is "Mommy, I am growing like a weed!" However, if you tell her she is growing like a weed then she will tell you that she is "not a flower...I'm a kid!"
Well, for the past week the Skinner family has been doing what we seem to do best this time of year...GET SICK!! Right as vacation was wrapping up and we all needed to go back to work/school, Hadley came down with something awful. She had a 104.5 degree fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, eye infection, etc. Poor baby even had to take eye drops (which she did very well surprisingly!) I stayed home with her on Wednesday and Scott stayed home on Thursday because I had to get some stuff done in the office after being off for a while! Seville has been recouping from her ear infection, and now Hadley has an ear infection on top of everything else. Scott has come down with a pretty good cold too! I, somehow, have managed to stay pretty healthy for the moment (knock on wood!)
Friday my Mom and Jon got back in town and were able to watch the girls yesterday while I went to crop and Scott recuperated a bit! It is always so fun to see my girlfriends...even if we do more chatting than cropping! Thanks Mom and Jon for watching the girls...we appreciate it!!