Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sweet Sounds of Motherhood

Oh the sweet sounds of motherhood…Seville has now officially melted my heart (as if she hadn’t already!) This week she started saying “MAMA” consistently!!! It is not always 100% for me directly, but she has definitely said it a few times when she reaches out for me and man let me tell you folks, that just melts a mama’s heart!! Hadley said “mama” really late, so to hear this sweet sound of motherhood at 10 months, from a child who makes very few sounds as it is, just really, really touches me!! I wish you all could hear it!

On another note, many of you might know that we have been looking for a new preschool for Hadley for a few months now; however, if we are going to put her through the stress of moving schools again, this time it needs to be just right. We have looked at several places, but nothing was standing out as the right place for Hadley. It was becoming very, very stressful because I just didn’t know what to do, and then, and that moment, when I was at my wits end and beginning to loose all hope I found it…the perfect place…Ms. B’s!! You know when you just know in your heart that something is right, well that is exactly how I feel about Ms. B’s. I could not be more excited about Hadley (and her best buddy Alyson) attending this FABOLOUS preschool! They are going to learn so much and have so much fun doing it! Ms. B is just amazing and she runs the preschool like I would if I ever had the credentials! It is so organized that words cannot even explain it! Between having the fabulous and amazing Ms. Gail watch Seville and now Ms. B teaching Hadley, I feel like we are the luckiest parents in the world! If you have to work, and we do, having the right people to watch and care for your kids just makes all of the difference! Hadley will start her new preschool on February 4th! Here on some pics from the day her and Alyson visited their new class!

Making snow...INSIDE!!
Making more snow!
Playing with the snow!
Singing with Ms. Kerri!
Class picture (minus Hadley and Alyson because they weren't cooperating!)

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