Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Gracyn!

Gracyn Jane turned ONE today! The Imboden's had us over for a very fun and delicious celebration!! In fact, Hadley is still there having a slumber party (poor Kristi and Jeremy...I hope the girls are asleep by now!) Gracyn's big party is on Saturday and we can't wait to celebrate some more! After the kids got settled down, us parents started some discussion on a much needed adults only weekend getaway...we picked out a few possible locations and got some ideas going!! Kristi/Jeremy...we are holding you to it!!

Here is one of my favorite pics of Gracyn!

Also, here is an ADORABLE picture of Jon and Seville that for some reason got deleted from the rest of the Easter post earlier this week!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More school pics!

Here are some pics from the past week or so at Hadley's school!

At the Folly Theater to see Henry & Mudge...Gam and I were the extra field trip teachers!
Hadley and Gracie at the Folly!
Getting ready to label their Easter baskets! Peeling hard boiled eggs for egg salad!
Decorating eggs!
Filling eggs with candy...Ms. B says this is their favorite part!
Hadley and Kayla!
On the hunt!
Eating the fruits of their labor!
Hadley and Garrett showing off a cute art of many they did for Easter and St. Patrick's Day!
Playing in the garden!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Grandma Jo (post 1 of 4)

I just wanted to let everyone know that we lost a VERY special family member on Friday. Scott’s mom’s mom (Grandma Jo) passed away on Friday with her loving family surrounding her after battling cancer and multiple strokes. She was so tremendously loved by all and will be missed soooo much!! There are about a million wonderful things I can say about Grandma Jo, but I think the most important of all is the wonderful family she raised. I have never seen such an amazing family with so many fantastic children and grandchildren who have all gone on to do such amazing things. Grandma Jo was the mother of five (plus spouses), grandmother of 20 (plus many spouses now that everyone is growing up) and 7 great-grandchildren and counting! Every single family member is the kindest and warmest person you have ever met. Among them are many teachers, musicians, a Naval Academy graduate and a pastor. The entire family still gets together monthly to share family dinners and fellowship. It is truly something I do not think you find in today’s world, and I think it is all because of Grandma Jo and Grandpa!! You could always find a huge smile on Grandma Jo’s face when her family was around! She is very proud of each and every one of them, and it is easy to see why! I also know that her greatest wish would be to keep her large family together and to have her great-grandchildren grow up to be just as amazing and wonderful people as the last two generations. I know she will be watching down on us daily, and I know we will all make her proud!! We love you Grandma Jo!!

Happy Easter!! (post 2 of 4)

Happy Easter everyone!! We hope you had a GREAT day! We sure did! The Easter Bunny came last night and brought something very special for Hadley!!

This is Hadley seeing her gift for the FIRST time!!
Her FIRST two-wheel bike! Can you see the excitement by the movement in her hair?
The Easter Bunny was kind of funny this year!

Seville opening her basket with a giraffe dress...just like "Kissers" her giraffe!
Are our girls cute or what? I just love them to pieces!!!

Daddy and his girls!

Gam and her girls!

Fillingham Easter Egg Hunt!

A few of the cousins!

Egg Dying Party (Post 3 of 4)

Last night we got together with some of Scott’s side of the family to dye Easter eggs. It is a tradition that the kids always enjoy! The group was much smaller this year due to all of the craziness, but we still had a great time!

Cousin Becca and Seville!

Grandma Sue Sue and Hadley!
Seville is a walking machine...with her walker! BTW...this is her first time with a top pony! So cute! Reminds me of her sister!

Princess Wishes (Post 4 of 4)

Yesterday Kristi and I took the big girls to see Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes! To say they had fun would be an understatement!!! When each Princess came out they just squealed with delight and shouted their name over and over!! It was so fun to see them so excited!! Kristi and I just kept looking at each other and smiling. I had heard that most of the little girls come dressed up, so Hadley wore her Snow White costume and Alyson wore her Tinkerbell costume! As you can see, they were very cute…and VERY proud!! I will spare you too many pictures of the actual show, but there are a few below! BTW...we had GREAT seats! We were the first row of actual seats and then there were two rows of chairs in front of us on the floor and then the ice!! Needless to say, the folks in front of us paid much more, but we were raised a little bit, so that was even better!

Oh yeah, and before I forget, Hadley picked up Seville on Friday night and fell backward and Seville's teeth went right into her head...that is why she has a shiner! Seville never made a peep, but Hadley sure cried!

Eating cotton candy...I cannot believe how much cotton candy those girls can eat! YUCK!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I’m sorry I haven’t posted in FOREVER!! Things have just been way too busy at work and at home (really, I think it is work being busy that throws home life all out of wack and I HATE that, but it is what it is!!)

Anyway, we have been very busy…here is a quick recap…no time to post pics right now, but maybe this weekend!

· On Saturday we went to the Spring Eggstavaganza at Kristi’s work with the Imboden’s. It was lots of fun and the big girls had a blast helping their sisters gather eggs and gather some eggs for themselves as well! I just cannot wait for Seville to start walking…I do not know why she is taking her sweet time. We were all for sure she would walk by nine months because she was completely ready by then, but go figure…nine months, ten months, eleven months, twelve months, and she is still NOT walking! I think she was closer at nine months than now. She has gotten so use to crawling! Please cross your fingers that she walks at some point! HA!!!

· While I am on Seville, she was accepted to the speech program and will start receiving one-hour sessions once per week with a fabulous speech pathologist named Kay. We start next Wednesday! We are very excited! She has been verbalizing a bit this week and pointing more, so that is exciting for us! It would be hard for anyone to understand how truly quite and non-verbal she is!!

· Saturday night Kristi and I took the big girls to see “Horton Hears a Who” while the daddies stayed at our house with the babies and watched basketball! The movie was very cute and KU won the Big 12 Championship!! ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!! GO KU!! (As a side note, I got Kristi her first KU shirt…I am trying to convert her. HA!! She was doing pretty good for a few days, but then I caught her in an MU sweatshirt on Tuesday. I think she was just having an identity crisis! I got her her first official “Rock Chalk Shamrock” shirt in kelly green. I am not sure if Jeremy will ever forgive me!!)

· Monday was my niece Jacqueline’s birthday, and Tuesday was my Dad’s birthday!! Happy birthday to both of them!! My brother, sister and I took Dad and Pat out to Hereford House last night to celebrate. It was a really great time!!

· Yesterday morning I went on my first field trip with Hadley’s preschool. We saw a play called Henry and Mudge. It was very cute and the kids were excellent! It is soooo nice for Hadley to be able to go on field trips and it was so nice to be able to go along and help! I can’t wait to do it again! Tomorrow they are having their big Easter party and egg hunt. She is so excited!

I think I hit all of the high point for the last week! Again, I’m sorry there are no pics…I just can’t get to it right now! Not that I have taken that many this week anyway! I am sure this next weekend will be full of good pictures since we are taking the girls to Disney on Ice on Saturday and Easter is on Sunday!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Seville's Ladybug Party!

Saturday was Seville’s ladybug party! We had such a great time! I think I will just let the pictures tell the story. It was so nice to have a special day JUST for her and to celebrate the sweet little girl that she is! I know it might seem like a lot of pics, but I actually cut them down from 161 to 77, so I am pretty proud. That darn new camera! (Just kidding…I LOVE it!!) Thanks to everyone who attended for making it such a special day! She might not remember it, but we sure will…and there will be plenty of pictures to show her when she gets older!! I was still cleaning icing out of her ears yesterday! And yes...I did make the ladybug cake...aren't you impressed! I made one for Hadley and one for Seville, and now I am done with my cake baking career! HA!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A perfect WINDY day!!!

Today, Hadley took Seville on her FIRST Barbie Jeep ride! They had so much fun! Since Seville hasn't really been outside much since last summer/early fall, she just gets a kick out the wind! The harder it blows the harder she giggles!! She really loved riding in the jeep with Hadley too! Hadley would have never wanted to do this at just one year old...she was much more timid!! It is fun to notice their difference as they grow!

The ride begins!

Tight turn! Hold on, Sis!

Seville says "no problem, this is GREAT!"

So CUTE! I love my girls!

Seville, leave your seat belt ON!

I mean it sissy, Mommy says leave the seat belt ON!

I'm ONE, I want to listen to my own tunes now!

Make sure you check out the other two new posts below! I think I am all caught up now!! PHEW!!