Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Princess Wishes (Post 4 of 4)

Yesterday Kristi and I took the big girls to see Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes! To say they had fun would be an understatement!!! When each Princess came out they just squealed with delight and shouted their name over and over!! It was so fun to see them so excited!! Kristi and I just kept looking at each other and smiling. I had heard that most of the little girls come dressed up, so Hadley wore her Snow White costume and Alyson wore her Tinkerbell costume! As you can see, they were very cute…and VERY proud!! I will spare you too many pictures of the actual show, but there are a few below! BTW...we had GREAT seats! We were the first row of actual seats and then there were two rows of chairs in front of us on the floor and then the ice!! Needless to say, the folks in front of us paid much more, but we were raised a little bit, so that was even better!

Oh yeah, and before I forget, Hadley picked up Seville on Friday night and fell backward and Seville's teeth went right into her head...that is why she has a shiner! Seville never made a peep, but Hadley sure cried!

Eating cotton candy...I cannot believe how much cotton candy those girls can eat! YUCK!!

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