Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I’m sorry I haven’t posted in FOREVER!! Things have just been way too busy at work and at home (really, I think it is work being busy that throws home life all out of wack and I HATE that, but it is what it is!!)

Anyway, we have been very busy…here is a quick recap…no time to post pics right now, but maybe this weekend!

· On Saturday we went to the Spring Eggstavaganza at Kristi’s work with the Imboden’s. It was lots of fun and the big girls had a blast helping their sisters gather eggs and gather some eggs for themselves as well! I just cannot wait for Seville to start walking…I do not know why she is taking her sweet time. We were all for sure she would walk by nine months because she was completely ready by then, but go figure…nine months, ten months, eleven months, twelve months, and she is still NOT walking! I think she was closer at nine months than now. She has gotten so use to crawling! Please cross your fingers that she walks at some point! HA!!!

· While I am on Seville, she was accepted to the speech program and will start receiving one-hour sessions once per week with a fabulous speech pathologist named Kay. We start next Wednesday! We are very excited! She has been verbalizing a bit this week and pointing more, so that is exciting for us! It would be hard for anyone to understand how truly quite and non-verbal she is!!

· Saturday night Kristi and I took the big girls to see “Horton Hears a Who” while the daddies stayed at our house with the babies and watched basketball! The movie was very cute and KU won the Big 12 Championship!! ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!! GO KU!! (As a side note, I got Kristi her first KU shirt…I am trying to convert her. HA!! She was doing pretty good for a few days, but then I caught her in an MU sweatshirt on Tuesday. I think she was just having an identity crisis! I got her her first official “Rock Chalk Shamrock” shirt in kelly green. I am not sure if Jeremy will ever forgive me!!)

· Monday was my niece Jacqueline’s birthday, and Tuesday was my Dad’s birthday!! Happy birthday to both of them!! My brother, sister and I took Dad and Pat out to Hereford House last night to celebrate. It was a really great time!!

· Yesterday morning I went on my first field trip with Hadley’s preschool. We saw a play called Henry and Mudge. It was very cute and the kids were excellent! It is soooo nice for Hadley to be able to go on field trips and it was so nice to be able to go along and help! I can’t wait to do it again! Tomorrow they are having their big Easter party and egg hunt. She is so excited!

I think I hit all of the high point for the last week! Again, I’m sorry there are no pics…I just can’t get to it right now! Not that I have taken that many this week anyway! I am sure this next weekend will be full of good pictures since we are taking the girls to Disney on Ice on Saturday and Easter is on Sunday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeremy is sitting here reading this with me. . .he said to tell you that he isn't going to let me go over to the dark side...Ha!