Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Last Sunday I was privileged and honored to take maternity pictures for one of my very dearest friends, Aundria!  Aundria and her husband Aladdin are absolutely stunning individuals (inside and out), and Aundria is even more so when she is pregnant!  They also have a handsome son, Laith, but he was not too keen on getting his picture taken last week, nor did he really want daddy in many of the pictures!  Nevertheless, Aundria and I had a great time and got some beautiful pictures for them to remember this amazing time in their lives.  I just loved being pregnant with my girls and taking pictures of Aundria just made all of those wonderful feelings reemerge!  Pregnancy is such a special time...feeling a baby grow and kick inside just doesn't get a whole lot better than that!  Aundria and Aladdin do not now what they are having, so we are now just counting down the days to meet little him or her!  I can't wait!  

Aundria and Aladdin, thank you for letting me take these special pictures!  I will be sending you the link to all of them tomorrow!

Love ya all! 

1 comment:

Dan and Jen said...

Wow, stunning job Kenna!! Love all the maternity pics and absolutely love the angles and effects you placed on the photos. Great work for your portfolio! You are on your way to be famous :)

Love ya!