Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Seville has recently become increasingly attached to two things.  The first thing is her blanket (or "kinky" as she calls it!)  She is now requesting "kinky" everywhere we go!  "Kinky" is always in the car with us, but if we leave the car to go into a store or restaurant she asks to bring it in, to which I say, "no, we have to leave kinky in the car!" and I usually get a protest of some sort, but then she gets over it real quick (phew!)  However, halfway through the store she will shout out "kinky, kinky!?!?!" and I have to explain again that "kinky" is in the car.  When we finally get back to the car she is so relieved!  She also does this when she is playing at home.  She will be immersed in play and then all the sudden she must miss her blankie and out comes the shout..."kinky, kinky?!?!?"  Then she goes on a search! When she finds it she hugs it and lays on it like it has been lost FOREVER!  Hadley was never attached to anything, so I must admit I think this is pretty cute!  However, I do stick to my guns for the most part and do not allow her to take it in places unless I think there is a good reason!  Oh, and don't worry...we have multiple "kinkys," so we are covered should one every show up missing or is temporarily lost!  

The second item she has become attached to recently is her Tinkerbell nightgown jammies. Grandma Sue Sue got them for her awhile back and we have been wearing them at least once a week since, but now they are being worn BY REQUEST EVERY NIGHT!!  When we go to get her ready for bed and start digging though her jammie drawer she instantly starts saying "uh uh, uh uh" until you get your hand on the Tinkerbell nightgown and then she squeals with delight! However, it doesn't stop there!  She insists she MUST put them on by HERSELF!  We are not allowed to help even one bit!  She is very determined and does very well for an almost two year old, but they are kind of tricky jammies with multiple layers, etc.  Below are some pictures from how the scene played out last night!  Notice that the jammies are on inside out and she doesn't have either sleeve on!  Unlike "kinky" we only have one pair of these jammies, so if anyone sees another pair please let me know!   

1 comment:

Dan and Jen said...

Awwww this is priceless. You must have used your portrait lens! :) Are you going to break out kinky tonight in Jose Peppers? LOL. I cant wait to see you guys!