Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!!

We got our first snow today! Of course there were accidents all over town because no one in Kansas City knows how to drive in the snow...especially the first snow of the year, but we all got home safely!

Hadley and I talked Scott into hanging some lights on the house this weekend! I don't really like him getting up on our roof peaks (I guess that is the mom in me!), so we just did lights around the garage and on the bushes. We also got a few other spiral trees that Hadley really likes for the yard! It was still snowing outside when I took this picture...kind of neat I thought!

We got the tree up over Thanksgiving break!! I love having the tree up...I could leave it up all year if people didn't think I was crazy!

And all of the stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nick soon will be here...guess I better start getting some presents under the tree, huh!!

Hadley is spending the night with my Mom and Jon tonight because we have an appointment with Seville at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow at St. Luke's on the Plaza for a sedated ARB hearing test. More on that at another time, but we all definitely have some concerns about her hearing and speech, so hopefully tomorrow will give us a better idea of how well she can hear or if she is just taking her sweet time...either of which is fine with us! We just want to do what is best for her! I can't believe my little baby will have to be sedated. I can hardly think about it, but I know we need some clearer answers. Earlier tests show that she does have negative pressure in her ears and that she does not hear at lower frequencies...the test tomorrow will provide us with a lot more detailed info! Luckily she just started babbling out of the blue this week, so they think that whatever hearing loss she might have had could be starting to resolve itself! I cannot tell you how amazing it is to hear her sweet little voice after nine months of waiting!

Here is a sweet picture of my girls...they really do love being sisters!! I know they will have their moments as they get older, but I hope they are always each other's best friend! Sisterhood is such a gift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks GREAT, Kenna! I'm going to LOVE reading it and seeing all the pictures!