Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Rock Band

Picture this if you will…nestled on a beautiful tree lined street in a nice suburban neighborhood there sits a house. A typical American family lives in this house with two little girls and a dog. Inside the house is a comfortable family room, and much like many other family rooms in the neighborhood there is a big screen TV. But this isn’t just any normal family room…this family room is home to a Rock Band…a new kind of Rock Band…the kind that anyone can play in…young and old alike! On the night we were there the band was made up of myself, Scott and the homeowners (a.k.a. Kristi and Jeremy). The band has also had many other members since its conception a few weeks ago, including a brother-in-law, grandparents and even some little three-year-old girls from time to time. Unlike other bands, though, the members of this band can even switch off their instrument of choice from one song to the next (guitar, drums, bass and vocals!) On this particular night as the Rock Band practiced little babies crawled around on the floor and three year-olds ran throughout the house. The dog even sat close by to see how the band would do! What kind of strange Rock Band is this you ask…well, it is a Rock Band that is becoming increasing more and more popular in family rooms across the world…it is a Play Station 3 Rock Band (or Xbox if that is your gaming system of choice!!!)

If you haven’t played it already, I suggest you do, and I think most of you will probably have the opportunity since either Rock Band or Guitar Hero seems to be on the Christmas List of almost everyone I know! It cracks me up because it is on my brother-in-law’s list, my nephew’s list, my brother’s list, our good friend’s 13-year-old daughter’s list, and now on MY husband’s list…thanks a lot Kristi and Jeremy!! Unfortunately we have to wait for Rock Band to come out on Wii (Guitar Hero is out, but not Rock Band yet and we have decided we want the multiple instruments!) But really, I have to admit that it was actually a lot of fun…I can see what it is on every Christmas list in America!

The thing I really love about Rock Band is the picture I get in my head when I think of all of these people around the world sitting in their nice family rooms (or finished basements) and playing this game. This is not a game just for teenagers…this game is coveted by 20, 30 and 40 year-olds alike…male and female! It just goes to show you that anyone can be in a Rock Band! Businessman/woman by day...Rock Band member by night!

So, if it isn’t already, you might want to put Rock Band or Guitar Hero on your Christmas List, and if it is…HAVE A BLAST!! I only wish one of us would have thought up this amazing cross generational idea…then we would have more time to play, right?!?!?

P.S. If you want to know where we will be tonight…we will be playing Rock Band…how about you? (okay, and we are celebrating Christmas too!)


Anonymous said...

You should be published! You are too funny! We had a great time tonight. . .thanks for everything!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.