Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Day Photos

Well, it is a good thing this isn't a news blog because I am not very timely, but FINALLY here are some pics from Christmas day!  As you can probably assume, I took a TON of pics and even though there are a lot posted below it is still only a small portion of what I actually took!  

Seville, always the lover of snacks, immediately wanted to eat the candy from her stocking!
Hadley opening her "Kit" American Girl doll from Santa!  She wanted Kit so bad and instantly started hugging the box and screaming "Kitty Kit Kit!!!"
Grampa helping Seville open up her Bitty Baby from Santa!
Our girls with their new dolls!
Seville was so excited to play with her new baby!
Hadley, although a little under the weather, was having a blast with Kit too!
Seville has played with this Jack-in-the-Box at the bookstore and absolutey loved it so we had to get her one for Christmas.  I just LOVE the look on her face!  Totally priceless!!
Now look at her face and Gam's face!
Here I am NOT behind the camera and helping Seville get Bitty Baby dressed in her new dance outfit!
Hadley and Kit in their new matching jammies from Gam and Grampa!
Hadley in her new dance outfit from Mom and Dad! 
Gam with her "Hadley and Seville 2008" digital scrapbook that I made her!  94 wonderful pages of her took me FOREVER, but it was worth every minute!
Jon with his new drill!
Seville is ready for the snow...too bad we haven't had any since Christmas! :(
Hadley making her first batch of snow cones with the machine Grandpa John and Grandma Pat got her!
It worked really well!  It is going to be lots of fun to use this summer!
Grandpa John reading to Seville.  I have never seen her sit still this long!
She looks pretty comfortable to me!
The girls were in for a big surprise at Grandma Sue Sue and Grandpa Jim's house.  The next four pictures were taken in sequence right when we got there!  I love the excitement of the girls as they get the first look at their playhouse!
Hadley was literally ripping the sheet off as quick as she could!

Seville's favorite part were the flower boxes...
...and the working door bell!
Grandpa Jim made lots of furniture for the inside...a table, two chairs, bunk beds for their babies, a changing table and plenty of storage!
Grandma Sue Sue painted the house inside and out, made a beautiful chandelier and two touch lights surrounded by jeweled flowers!

Seville was ringing the door bell all day long!
Seville with her new Care Bear from Uncle Craig!
Tea anyone?
Scott with his new white Oakleys that he wanted so badly!
Uncle Shawn and Uncle Craig in the adorandak chairs that Jim built!
Susie opening up her copy of the digital scrapbook I made!
Hadley's really neat bead set from Uncle Craig!
I had to throw this one in there to show the robe Hadley got...Kit has a matching one too!
The gang!
Seville with her new Bitty Baby backpack!
Uncle Craig always finds the neatest gifts and this cash register for Seville was no exception!
Scott in his new black blazer!  Lookin good, babe!
Craig with his new speakers!  Anyone need a DJ...just let Craig know!
I think this is my new favorite picture of Scott and Seville!
Seville taking a rest on Kit's new day bed!
Hadley playing with Bitty Baby's new bed!
Uncle Shawn...probably wondering why I am taking so many pictures!  J/K
Uncle Shawn was such a good sport playing with the girls!  He was in and out of that house a million times!
Grandma Sue Sue and Grandpa Jim rockin out with Jim's new dual Guitar Hero set!
Now the playhouse is filled with lots of new toys!
Kung-Fu Care Bear!
Gotta start them young with Cream brule!
Group shot!
One very tired and very lucky little girl after a long Christmas day!  
As you can see, it was another great Christmas!!  All of us are so blessed to have received so many wonderful things, but that isn't what it is all about!  Christmas is such a great time to celebrate family and friends and how important they are in our lives.  It is  a time to gather together and celebrate how blessed we really have a great and supportive family, two wonderful little girls, fantastic friends, our health, a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and so, so much to be thankful for!  This Christmas was extra special because we took it a little slower and really tried to cherish every was wonderful!  

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