Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Four Little Monkeys Jumping All Around

Last night we went to Monkey Buziness with the Imboden's and had a GREAT time!  The girls had a blast acting like monkeys on all of their inflatable equipment and jungle gyms!!  We were able to order pizza right there and it just worked out perfect.  These pictures didn't turn out so great, but I wanted to post them anyway!  The lighting was really bad in there, and I tried a new setting on my camera that I am not very happy with once I got them loaded onto the computer and saw them bigger, but I am sure it will only bother me! 

My BIG monkey!
My LITTLE monkey!
Everyone going up the big slide...
Jeremy and Gracyn coming down!
Seville had to have a "cack"...of course!  She is obsessed with "cacks!"  That is "snack" for those of you who do not speak "Seville"!
I took this from really far away, so the lighting is awful, but I just had to catch this little conversation in action.  I wonder what they were talking about?  Can you even imagine when they are teenagers!  
Hadley and Alyson going down together!
They would help each other get up the wrong way...
...and then go down holding onto each other's feet!
Can you tell she was having fun!
I made them do this, but I'm glad I did!
The baby girls trying to keep up!
Scott and Gracyn getting ready to go down the big slide!
Seville (and Jeremy behind) getting ready to go down the big slide!
A friendly game of air hockey!
This was a really fun jungle gym!
With a super fast slide!
Seville has been very into air hockey lately.  Whenever she sees a table she just has to play!
Rope swinging on the jungle gym!
Even the babies played a game of air hockey...they even scored some goals!

Tonight we went to Evie's 2nd birthday party and had a blast at Chuck E. Cheese's. I will try my best to post those pics tomorrow!  It has been a really fun filled weekend so far!  We don't have anything planned for tomorrow so we are just going to have a nice family day!

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