Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, January 12, 2009

Off to a much better start…

Like most people, I had a really hard time going back to work last week and was kind of in a funk! I am happy to say that this week seems to be off to a much better start! We had a really fun weekend and also got a lot accomplished. Yesterday we moved the furniture in Hadley’s room around again (and this time I like it!), performed labor and delivery for our 14 new baby guppy fish, posted all of the Christmas day pictures on the blog, did four loads of laundry, cooked a crock pot dinner and went shopping to get food for the next two weeks (minus small trips to the store for milk, etc.!) Now I feel ready to start my work week, and I think things will go much smoother!

This past Friday night we went to the mall with my Mom, Jon and the girls! We ate at Nordstrom Café (one of our favorites) and Gam and Grampa let Hadley jump on the trampolines again and took both girls for a ride on the carousel!

On Saturday we just played in the basement in the morning, and Hadley and I watched the American Girl 2009 movie about the new girl Chrissa! It was cute and had a lot of good things for Hadley and I to talk about…there are some real bratty girls in the movie who are very mean and we talked about how we never want to be like them and always want to be nice to everyone we meet! Of course the movie had a happy ending, so all is well that ends well!

On Saturday night Jim and Susie took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese’s, where they had a BLAST! We went out to dinner at Jose Pepper’s with our friends Dan and Jen. Lucky for us, Dan and Jen know EVERYONE at Jose Peppers and got our name at the top of the list and we avoided the 1.5 hour wait! We ate at a table and after dinner moved to the bar so we could keep talking and have another round of margaritas! Dan and Jen are such a fun couple and we had such a great time...they are so easy to talk to and we have so much in common! Any of you with kids know how nice it is to just sit and eat and talk and not be rushed to just get in and out as quick as you can and wrangle kids in between! Anyway, it was such a nice night and we can’t wait to do it again! We even got free dessert from one of their favorite bartenders!

On a funny note, there is literally a 1.5 foot height difference between Dan and Jen, and one of their traditions is for Dan to give Jen a piggy back ride as they are leaving Jose Peppers! Well, I thought it would be fun if I tried it this time, and it resulted in a cute pic!

Here we all are at Jose Peppers! Thanks Dan and Jen for a great evening out!

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