Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, February 15, 2008

Madame Hatter's Tea Room

Fridays, as most of you know, are "Gam days" for Hadley! Today they did something extra special!!

After years of drinking coffee, my mom switched to tea several years ago, and Hadley for some reason has a real interest in my mom's tea! Maybe it is because my mom always says in a real funny English voice "would you like a spot of tea?" (I think it comes from the many years of being a flight attendant!) So, today my mom took Hadley to a tea room for the first time. They had a FABOLOUS time at Madame Hatter’s! What a special thing for the two of them to do together…I wish I didn't have to work so that I could have gone too!

After looking at these pictures it instantly came to me that this would be the perfect location for Hadley’s 4th birthday (I have really been struggling with ideas!) As you can see, she is just beaming in the pictures, so I can’t think of any place better to have her party than some place she enjoys so much! I can just see all of the girls now!!

I know we will be hearing about this special day for months to come, and I am sure she will think that every Gam day should now include a trip to Madam Hatter’s!


Anonymous said...

Darling pictures! Those are the special times she will remember forever! Can't wait to hear more about this 'Madame Hatter's'. . .looks really neat!

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures! I am Bonnie the owner of Madame Hatter's and just stumbled upon "In My Daughters' Eyes". It warms my heart that your daughter and mother had such a great time. My purpose for the Tea Room is for memories and good times and great food. It looks, and sounds, like they made some memories. Great Story! Hope to see you all soon.