Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Updates and Little Miss Mischief!

We have had a lot going on the last few days and I wanted to update everyone…I’m sorry I am so behind! I found it easier to just split it into a few posts this time, so there is this one and then two more new ones below!

Most importantly, Seville had her tubes put in this morning and it went GREAT!! She is resting right now and doing just perfect. It really didn’t faze her. The doctor said it was really good we did it because her fluid wasn’t just fluid, it was like mucusy snot (sorry, but that is what he said!) I can’t imagine how she heard through all of that. I thought she would be really sensitive to sound today, but she really hasn’t been. I caught her off guard a few times…like when I said “NO” kind of loud because she was feeding the dog AGAIN from her high chair and she jumped about sky high because I think my voice scared her, but otherwise she is really having a very normal day. She has been playing lots and doing great!! I am so glad we have finally crossed this bridge. I hope it really helps her!

On a side note, Hadley had her first dentist appointment yesterday. For those of you who don’t know, my brother-in-law Frank is a dentist, so of course we went to see him at his office in Topeka. Hadley did so AWESOME!! I still can’t believe how great she did. She just opened right up and let them do everything they needed to do. I was so proud and relieved! The only problem is that she needs to get her tongue clipped. Ya know that thing underneath your tongue that connects it to your mouth, well hers connects to like the front of her tongue instead of the middle. I really don’t know why I have never noticed it, but it is pretty bad. She can’t even stick her tongue out or put it to the roof of her mouth. Poor baby! They said over time it will affect her speech. Anyway, Frank cannot do it, so we will have to go see a periodontist. One more fun medical thing for the Skinner family, but hey, we are just happy our kids are overall very healthy. We can’t complain!!

Below are some pictures I had to share of Seville on her favorite toy (the little pink buggy Jeremy and Kristi got her for Christmas)…she is so different than Hadley was at this age, and she is so mischievous!!!! She gets into everything, is always climbing on things, and ALWAYS testing her limits. Sometimes I think Seville might be spelled T-R-O-U-B-L-E…but really, she is a very good and happy baby…she is just our Little Miss Mischief!!

Yes, she is standing up in the seat!

This one I just thought was cute!

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