Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Catching Up and Christmas Cookies

Well, it has been awhile since I posted, and I am WAY behind, but I am just going to take it slow and start where I left off!  I have actually been off work since Christmas and it has been wonderful!  I have really enjoyed spending time with the girls (and Scott when he wasn't working) and doing a whole lot of nothing with special little outings in between!  When I take time off over Thanksgiving I always make a huge to-do list, but I have learned over the years that making a to-do list over Christmas vacation just doesn't work for some reason.  I only set one goal for myself over this break and that was to go through my closet and drawers and donate any clothes that I don't wear anymore, and although even that one task took a few days to accomplish with the girls home I did manage to get it done!  YEAH!  It seems like one of the main reasons I never get much done over the holidays is because either one or all of us get sick.  I would love to have broken that trend this year, but it seemed highly unlikely since we had all been really healthy since our multiple trips to the ER in September.  I knew the good luck streak would have to come to an end sooner or later.  Sure enough, after struggling with a very grouchy Seville for a few days I took her to the doctor just to make sure her ears were okay and instead they said she had strep throat.  This is not the first time she has had strep throat with no real signs.  Poor girl!  She is doing much better now, but Scott and I have been battling some pretty nasty head colds.  Hadley (knock on wood) still seems to be doing okay!  

We have done a lot over the past two weeks and I will post pictures over the next week or so to catch you up, but just to hit on a few of the highlights here is a quick list:

-Made Christmas Cookies with my Mom and Jon (pictures below!)
-Attended Christmas Eve Service at my Mom and Jon's church, opened a few presents on Christmas Eve and got cookies ready for Santa!
-Had an EXCELLENT Christmas (lots more pics on that later!)
-Went to the mall on the day after Christmas (WOW...haven't done that in awhile!)  Luckily we only needed to hit one store and then we got out of there!
-Saw FOUR movies in the theaters.  I think that is about how many we see in a full year since we have had kids.  It was a real treat to see so many movies!  We saw Marley & Me, Yes Man, Valkerie and The Tale of Despereaux.  
-Spent one night at Gam and Grampa's when Scott was in Dallas!
-Had a great New Year's Eve party with our neighbors and the kiddos!
-Had a great New Year's Day party at my Dad's!
-Went out to dinner and a movie with our new friends Dan and Jen and had a GREAT time!  
-Scott and I had a date night and got to eat at Garazzo's and see a movie!
-Played inside, played outside and spent lots of time with the girls!  
-Took Hadley to the mall to jump on the trampolines again! 
-Hadley went to the Zoo with Gam and Grampa!  Seville and I ran errands and went to the park!  
-I took some naps with Hadley...always a treat to get some extra shut eye!  

I am sure there are a million things I am forgetting, but at least that catches you up a little bit!  Tomorrow everyone returns to work and school and our little vacation will be officially over.  SIGH!!  I sure wish we had a nice break halfway through the year so we didn't have to wait until next Christmas for our next big break!

Here are the pictures from when we made Christmas cookies with Gam and Grampa!

Seville picked out this "outfit" all by herself!

1 comment:

Dan and Jen said...

Yay! More photos and new postings! Too cute! And I love the picture of Seville in the naked w/pink boots shot. This has to be her senior dedication photo! LOL. Had so much fun on Friday! Can't wait for margaritas this weekend!